15. Wind Energy Modeling

Wind energy analysis is the primary application area for the Nalu development team. This section describes the theoretical basis of Nalu from a wind energy perspective, using nomenclature familiar to wind energy experts and mapping it to Nalu concepts and nomenclature described in previous sections. Hopefully, this will provide an easier transition for users familiar with WRF and SOWFA to Nalu.

In order to evaluate the energy output and the structural loading on wind turbines, the code must model: 1. the incoming turbulent wind field across the entire wind farm, and 2. the evolution of turbine wakes in turbulent inflow conditions and their interaction with the downstream turbines. First, the governing equations with all the terms necessary to model a wind farm are presented with links to implementation and verification details elsewhere in the theory and/or verification manuals. A brief description of Nalu’s numerical discretization schemes is presented next. This is followed by a brief discussion of the boundary conditions used to model atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) flows with or without wind turbines (currently modeled as actuator sources within the flow domain).

Currently Nalu supports two types of wind simulations:

Precursor simulations

Precursor simulations are used in wind applications to generate time histories of turbulent ABL inflow profiles that are used as inlet conditions in subsequent wind farm simulations. The primary purpose of these simulations are to trigger turbulence generation and obtain velocity and temperature profiles that have converged to a stastitic equilibrium.

Wind farm simulation with turbines as actuator sources

In this case, the wind turbine blades and tower are modeled as actuator source terms by coupling to the OpenFAST libraries. Velocity fields are sampled at the blade and tower control points within the Nalu domain and the blade positions and blade/tower loading is provided by OpenFAST to be used as source terms within the momentum equation.

15.1. Governing Equations

We begin with a review of the momentum and enthalpy conservation equations within the context of wind farm modeling [CLM+12]. Equation (1) shows the Favre-filtered momentum conservation equation (Eq. (1)) reproduced here with all the terms required to model a wind farm.

(1)\[\underbrace{\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \left(\bar{\rho}\, \widetilde{u}_i\right)}_\mathbf{I} + \underbrace{\frac{\partial}{\partial x_j} \left( \bar{\rho}\, \widetilde{u}_i \widetilde{u}_j \right)}_\mathbf{II} = - \underbrace{\frac{\partial p'}{\partial x_j} \delta_{ij}}_\mathbf{III} - \underbrace{\frac{\partial \tau_{ij}}{\partial x_j}}_\mathbf{IV} - \underbrace{2\bar{\rho}\,\epsilon_{ijk}\,\Omega_ju_k}_\mathbf{V} + \underbrace{\left(\bar{\rho} - \rho_\circ \right) g_i}_\mathbf{VI} + \underbrace{S^{u}_{i}}_\mathbf{VII} + \underbrace{f^{T}_i}_\mathbf{VIII}\]

Term \(\mathbf{I}\) represents the time rate of change of momentum (inertia);

Term \(\mathbf{II}\) represents advection;

Term \(\mathbf{III}\) represents the pressure gradient forces (deviation from hydrostatic and horizontal mean gradient);

Term \(\mathbf{IV}\) represents stresses (both viscous and sub-filter scale (SFS)/Reynolds stresses);

Term \(\mathbf{V}\) describes the influence Coriolis forces due to earth’s rotation – see Sec. Section 2.2.1;

Term \(\mathbf{VI}\) describes the effects of buoyancy using the Boussinesq approximation – see Section 2.2.2;

Term \(\mathbf{VII}\) represents the source term used to drive the flow to a horizontal mean velocity at desired height(s) – see Section 2.7; and

Term \(\mathbf{VIII}\) is an optional term representing body forces when modeling turbine with actuator disk or line representations – see Section 15.6.

In wind energy applications, the energy conservation equation is often written in terms of the Favre-filtered potential temperature, \(\theta\), equation, as shown below

(2)\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \left(\bar{\rho}\, \widetilde{\theta}\right) + \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \left(\bar{\rho}\, \widetilde{u}_j \widetilde{\theta} \right) = - \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j} \hat{q}_j\]

where, \(\hat{q}_j\) represents the temperature transport due to molecular and SFS turbulence effects. Due to the high Reynolds number associated with ABL flows, the molecular effects are neglected everywhere except near the terrain. Potential temperature is related to absolute temperature by the following equation

\[\theta = T \left ( \frac{\bar{p}}{p_\circ} \right)^{-\left(\frac{R}{c_p}\right)}\]

Under the assumption of ideal gas conditions and constant \(c_p\), the gradients in potential temperature are proportional to the gradients in absolute temperature, i.e.,

\[\left[ \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}, \frac{\partial T}{\partial x}, \frac{\partial T}{\partial y} \right] = \left( \frac{\bar{p}}{p_\circ} \right)^\left(\frac{R}{c_p}\right) \left[ \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial t}, \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial x}, \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial y} \right]\]

Furthermore, ignoring the pressure and viscous work terms in Eq. (12) and assuming constant density (incompressible flow), it can be shown that solving the enthalpy equation is equivalent to solving the potential temperature equation. The enthalpy equation solved in wind energy problems is shown below

(3)\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \left(\bar{\rho}\, \widetilde{T}\right) + \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \left(\bar{\rho}\, \widetilde{u}_j \widetilde{T} \right) = - \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j} q_j\]

It is noted here that the terms \(\hat{q}_j\) (Eq. (2)) and \(q_j\) (Eq. (3)) are not equivalent and must be scaled appropriately. User can still provide the appropriate initial and boundary conditions in terms of potential temperature field. Under these assumptions and conditions, the resulting solution can then be interpreted as the variation of potential temperature field in the computational domain.

15.2. Turbulence Modeling

LES turbulence closure is provided by the Subgrid-Scale Kinetic Energy One-Equation LES Model or the standard Smagorinsky model for wind farm applications.

15.3. Numerical Discretization & Stabilization

Nalu provides two dicretization approaches

Control Volume Finite Element Method (CVFEM)

Nalu uses a dual mesh approach (see Section 3.1) where the control volumes are constructed around the nodes of the finite elements within the mesh – see Fig. 15.1. The equations are solved at the integration points on the sub-control surfaces and/or the sub-control volumes.

Edge-Based Vertex Centered Scheme

The edge-based scheme is similar to the finite-volume approach used in SOWFA with the nodes at the cell center of the dual mesh.

Fig. 15.1 Schematic of HEX-8 mesh showing the finite elements, nodes, and the associated control volume dual mesh.

The numerical discretization approach is covered in great detail in Section 3, the advection and pressure stabilization approaches are documented in Section 4 and Section 5 respectively. Users are strongly urged to read those sections to gain a thorough understanding of the discretization scheme and its impact on the simulations.

15.4. Time stepping scheme

The time stepping method in Nalu is described in the Fuego theory manual [Tea16] for the backward Euler time discretization. The implementation details of the BDF2 time stepping scheme used in Nalu is described here. The Navier-Stokes equations are written as

(4)\[\begin{split}{\bf F}_i (\rho^{n+1}, u_i^{n+1}, P^{n+1}) - \int \left . \frac{\partial \rho u_i}{\partial t} \right |^{n+1} {\rm d}V &= 0, \\ {\bf F}_i (\rho^{n+1}, u_i^{n+1}, P^{n+1}) - \frac{ (\gamma_1 \rho^{n+1} {u_i}^{n+1} + \gamma_2 \rho^n {u_i}^{n} + \gamma_3 \rho^n {u_i}^{n-1})}{\Delta t} \Delta V &=0,\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}{\bf F}_i (\rho^{n+1} u_i^{n+1}) &= - \int \rho^{n+1} u_i^{n+1} u_j^{n+1} n_j {\rm d}S + \int \tau_{ij}^{n+1} n_j {\rm d}S - \int P^{n+1} n_i {\rm d}S - \int \left(\rho^{n+1} - \rho_{\circ} \right) g_i {\rm d}V, \\ &= - \int u_i^{n+1} \dot{m}^{n+1} + \int \tau_{ij}^{n+1} n_j {\rm d}S - \int P^{n+1} n_i {\rm d}S - \int \left(\rho^{n+1} - \rho_{\circ} \right) g_i {\rm d}V. \\\end{split}\]

and \(\gamma_i\) are factors for BDF2 time discretization scheme (see Section 13). As is typical of incompressible flow solvers, the mass flow rate through the sub-control surfaces is tracked independent of the velocity to maintain conservation of mass. The following conventions are used:

\[\begin{split}\phi^* &= \textrm{ Predicted value of } \phi \textrm{ at } n+1 \textrm{ time step before linear solve} \\ \widehat{\phi} = \phi^{**} &= \textrm{ Predicted value of } \phi \textrm{ at } n+1 \textrm{ time step after linear solve}\end{split}\]

The Newton’s method is used along with a linearization procedure to predict a solution to the Navier-Stokes equations at time step \(n+1\) as

(5)\[\begin{split}\mathbf{A}_{ij} \; \delta u_{j} &= {\bf F}_i^{*} - \frac{ (\gamma_1 \rho^{*} {u_i}^{*} + \gamma_2 \rho^n {u_i}^{n} + \gamma_3 \rho^n {u_i}^{n-1})}{\Delta t} \Delta V, \\ \textrm{where } \delta u_{j} &= u_i^{**} - u_i^*, \\ \mathbf{A}_{ij} &= \left ( \frac{ \gamma_1 \rho^{*}}{\Delta t} \Delta V \delta_{ij} - \left . \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial u_j} \right |^{*} \right ), \\ \textrm{and } {\bf F}_i^{*} &= - \int u_i^* \dot{m}^* + \int \tau_{ij}^* n_j {\rm d}S - \int P^* n_i {\rm d}S - \int \left(\rho^* - \rho_{\circ} \right) g_i {\rm d}V.\end{split}\]

After each Newton or outer iteration, \(\phi^{**}\) is a better approximation to \(\phi^{n+1}\) compared to \(\phi^*\). \(\rho*\) and \(\dot{m}^*\) are retained constant through each outer iteration. \({\bf F} (\rho^{*} u_i^{**})\) is linear in \(u_i^*\) and hence

(6)\[{\bf F}_i^* = \left . \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial u_j} \right |^{*} u_j^{*} - \int P^{*} n_i {\rm d}S - \int \left(\rho^{*} - \rho_{\circ} \right) g_i {\rm d}V\]

Applying Eq. (6) to Eq. (5), we get the linearized momentum predictor equation solved in Nalu.

(7)\[\begin{split}{\bf A}_{ij} \; \delta u_j &= \left . \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial u_j} \right |^{*} u_j^{*} - \int P^{*} n_i {\rm d}S - \int \left(\rho^{*} - \rho_{\circ} \right) g_i {\rm d}V \\ & \quad \quad - \frac{ (\gamma_1 \rho^{*} {u_i}^{*} + \gamma_2 \rho^{n} {u_i}^{n} + \gamma_3 \rho^{n-1} {u_i}^{n-1})}{\Delta t} \Delta V \\ {\bf A}_{ij} \; \delta u_j &= \left (\frac{ \gamma_1 \rho^{*}}{\Delta t} \Delta V \delta_{ij} - \left . \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial u_j} \right |^{*} \right ) {u_j}^{*} - \int P^{*} n_i {\rm d}S - \int \left(\rho^{*} - \rho_{\circ} \right) g_i {\rm d}V \\ & \quad - \frac{ (\gamma_2 \rho^{n} {u_i}^{n} + \gamma_3 \rho^{n-1} {u_i}^{n-1})}{\Delta t} \Delta V \\ {\bf A}_{ij} \; \delta u_j & = {\bf A}_{ij} \; u_j^{*} - \int P^{*} n_i {\rm d}S - \int \left(\rho^{*} - \rho_{\circ} \right) g_i {\rm d}V \\ & \quad - \frac{ (\gamma_2 \rho^{n} {u_i}^{n} + \gamma_3 \rho^{n-1} {u_i}^{n-1})}{\Delta t} \Delta V\end{split}\]

\(u_i^{**}\) will not satisfy the continuity equation. A correction step is performed at the end of each outer iteration to make \(u_i^{**}\) satisfy the continuity equation as

\[\begin{split}u_i^{n+1} &= u_i^{**} - \frac{\tau_3}{\rho} {\bf G} \Delta P^{**} \\ \textrm{where } \Delta P^{**} &= P^{**} - P^*\end{split}\]

As described in Section 12.1, the continuity equation to be satisfied along with the splitting and stabilization errors is

(8)\[{\bf D } \rho u^{**} = b + \left ({\bf L_1} - {\bf D} \tau_3 {\bf G} \right ) \Delta P^{**} + \left ({\bf L_2} - {\bf D} \tau_2 {\bf G} \right ) P^{*}\]

where \(b\) contains any source terms when the velocity field is not divergence free and the other terms are the errors due to pressure stabilization as shown by Domino [Dom06]. The final pressure Poisson equation solved to enforce continuity at each outer iteration is

(9)\[\begin{split}u^{n+1} &= u^{**} - \frac{\tau_3}{\rho} {\bf G} \Delta P^{**} \\ b + \left ({\bf L_1} - {\bf D} \tau_3 {\bf G} \right ) \Delta P^{**} &+ \left ({\bf L_2} - {\bf D} \tau_2 {\bf G} \right ) P^{*} \\ &= {\bf D}(\rho u^{n+1}) = {\bf D} ( \rho \widehat{u}) - {\bf D }( \tau_3 {\bf G} \Delta P^{**} ) \\ b + {\bf L_1} \Delta P^{**} &= {\bf D} (\rho \widehat{u}) - \left ({\bf L_2} - {\bf D} \tau_2 {\bf G} \right ) P^{*} \\ -{\bf L_1} \Delta P^{**} &= {\bf D} \rho \widehat{u} + {\bf D} \tau_2 {\bf G} P^{*} - {\bf L_2} P^{*} \\ -{\bf L_1} \Delta P^{**} &= - {\bf D} \rho \widehat{u} - {\bf D} \tau_2 {\bf G} P^{*} + {\bf L_2} P^{*} + b\end{split}\]

Thus, the final set of equations solved at each outer iteration is

\[\begin{split}{\bf A}_{ij} \; \delta u_j & = {\bf A}_{ij} \; u_j^{*} - \int P^{*} n_i {\rm d}S - \int \left(\rho^{*} - \rho_{\circ} \right) g_i {\rm d}V \\ & \quad - \frac{ (\gamma_2 \rho^{n} {u_i}^{n} + \gamma_3 \rho^{n-1} {u_i}^{n-1})}{\Delta t} \Delta V \\ -{\bf L_1} \Delta P^{**} &= - {\bf D} \rho \widehat{u} - {\bf D} \tau_2 {\bf G} P^{*} + {\bf L_2} P^{*} + b \\ u_i^{n+1} &= u_i^{**} - \frac{\tau_3}{\rho} {\bf G} \Delta P^{**}\end{split}\]

15.5. Initial & Boundary Conditions

This section briefly describes the boundary conditions available in Nalu for modeling wind farm problems. The terrain and top boundary conditions are described first as they are common to precusor and wind farm simulations.

15.5.1. Initial conditions

Nalu has the ability to initialize the internal flow fields to uniform conditions for all pressure, velocity, temperature, and TKE (\(k\)) in the input file. Nalu also provides a user function to add perturbations to the velocity field to trigger turbulence generation during precursor simulations. To specify more complex flow field conditions, a temperature profile with a capping inversion for example, users are referred to pre-processing utilities available in NaluWindUtils library.

15.5.2. Terrain (Wall) boundary condition

Users are referred to Section 9.3 for the treatment of the terrain BC using roughness models. For enthalpy, users can provide a surface heat flux for modeling stratified flows.

15.5.3. Top boundary condition

For momentum, a symmetry BC is used when modeling wind farm problems. For enthalpy equation, a normal temperature gradient can be specified to drive the flow to a desired temperaure profile, e.g., capping inversion temperature profile.

15.5.4. Inlet conditions

Time histories of inflow velocity and temperaure profiles can be provided as inputs (via I/O transfer) to drive the wind farm simulation with the desired flow conditions. See Section 8.3 for more details on this capability. Driving a wind farm simulation using velocity and temperature fields from a mesoscale (WRF) simulation would require an additional pre-processing steps with the wrftonalu utility.

15.5.5. Outlet conditions

See the description of open BC for detailed description of the outlet BC implementation. For wind energy problems, it is necessary to activate the global mass correction as a single value of pressure across the boundary layer is not apprpriate in the presence of buoyancy effects. It might also be necessary to fix the reference pressure at an interior node in order to ensure that the Pressure Poisson solver is well conditioned.

15.6. Wind Turbine Modeling

Wind turbine rotor and tower aerodynamic effects are modeled using actuator source representations. Compared to resolving the geometry of the turbine, actuator modeling alleviates the need for a complex body-fitted meshes, can relax time step restrictions, and eliminates the need for turbulence modeling at the turbine surfaces. This comes at the expense of a loss of fine-scale detail, for example, the boundary layers of the wind turbine surfaces are not resolved. However, actuator methods well represent wind turbine wakes in the mid to far downstream regions where wake interactions are important.

Actuator methods usually fall within the classes of disks, lines, surface, or some blend between the disk and line (i.e., the swept actuator line). Most commonly, the force over the actuator is computed, and then applied as a body-force source term, \(f_i\) (Term \(\mathbf{VIII}\)), to the Favre-filtered momentum equation (Eq. (1)).

The body-force term \(f_i\) is volumetric and is a force per unit volume. The actuator forces, \(F'_i\), are not volumetric. They exist along lines or on surfaces and are force per unit length or area. Therefore, a projection function, \(g\), is used to project the actuator forces into the fluid volume as volumetric forces. A simple and commonly used projection function is a uniform Gaussian as proposed by Sorensen and Shen [SrensenS02],

\[g(\vec{r}) = \frac{1}{\pi^{3/2} \epsilon^3} e^{-\left( \left| \vec{r} \right|/\epsilon \right)^2},\]

where \(\vec{r}\) is the position vector between the fluid point of interest to a particular point on the actuator, and \(\epsilon\) is the width of the Gaussian, that determines how diluted the body force become. As an example, for an actuator line extending from \(l=0\) to \(L\), the body force at point \((x,y,z)\) due to the line is given by

(10)\[f_i(x,y,z) = \int_0^L g\left(\vec{r}\left(l\right)\right) F'_i\left(l\right) \: \textrm{d} l.\]

Here, the projection function’s position vector is a function of position on the actuator line. The part of the line nearest to the point in the fluid at \((x,y,z)\) has most weight.

The force along an actuator line or over an actuator disk is often computed using blade element theory, where it is convenient to discretize the actuator into a set of elements. For example, with the actuator line, the line is broken into discrete line segments, and the force at the center of each element, \(F_i^k\), is computed. Here, \(k\) is the actuator element index. These actuator points are independent of the fluid mesh. The point forces are then projected onto the fluid mesh using the Gaussian projection function, \(g(\vec{r})\), as described above. This is convenient because the integral given in Equation (10) can become the summation

(11)\[f_i(x,y,z) = \sum_{k=0}^N g(\vec{r}^k) F_i^k.\]

This summation well approximates the integral given in Equation (10) so long as the ratio of actuator element size to projection function width \(\epsilon\) does not exceed a certain threshold.

Presently, Nalu uses an actuator line representation to model the effects of turbine on the flow field; however, the class hierarchy is designed with the potential to add other actuator source terms such as actuator disk, swept actuator line and actuator surface capability in the future. The ActuatorLineFAST class couples Nalu with NREL’s OpenFAST for actuator line simulations of wind turbines. OpenFAST is a aero-hydro-servo-elastic tool to model wind turbine developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The ActuatorLineFAST class allows Nalu to interface as an inflow module to OpenFAST by supplying the velocity field information.

15.6.1. Nalu – OpenFAST Coupling Algorithm

The actuator line implementation allows for flexible blades that are not necessarily straight (prebend and sweep). The current implementation requires a fixed time step when coupled to OpenFAST, but allows the time step in Nalu to be an integral multiple of the OpenFAST time step. At present, a simple time lagged FSI model is used to interface Nalu with the turbine model in OpenFAST:

  • The velocity at time step at time step \(n\) is sampled at the actuator points and sent to OpenFAST,
  • OpenFAST advances the turbines upto the next Nalu time step \(n+1\),
  • The body forces at the actuator points are converted to the source terms of the momentum equation to advance Nalu to the next time step \(n+1\).

This FSI algorithm is expected to be only first order accurate in time. We are currently working on improving the FSI coupling scheme to be second order accurate in time.